Time is free but priceless. It cannot be owned, only used. It cannot be bought, only spent. And when it is gone, it can never be recovered.

In today’s world, time is truly the currency of life.

Many of us lead hectic lives. In our search for meaning and success, we juggle work, family and social commitments. Every day is a race against time — a race that, deep down, we know we cannot win. But time is not the enemy; it is our best ally, especially when it comes to retirement planning.

Retirement Planning in SG

At Soul Wealthy, we believe in leveraging the power of time to help our clients achieve financial freedom in their retirement. We encourage our clients to start their retirement planning journey sooner rather than later. But we have also proven, through countless success stories, that it’s never too late to start.

Our independent financial advisor representatives are fully qualified and highly experienced professionals. We work individually to serve the best interests of our respective clients and collectively, as a financial advisory group, to share our experience, expertise and ideas with one another. Together, we created the Wealth Journey, our signature approach to effective wealth management and retirement planning in SG.

We invite you to connect with us and learn more about Soul Wealthy retirement planning in Singapore. Share your dreams and aspirations with us and we’ll share how we can help you get there faster with our unique 4 Tap strategy. 

we believe in leveraging the power of time to help our clients achieve financial freedom in their retirement.

Our 4 Taps Strategy

Once our independent financial advisor representatives have completed a full financial review, they design a robust retirement plan based on our 4 Taps strategy.

Our 4 Taps strategy was inspired by Singapore’s robust and sustainable ‘Four National Taps’ approach to securing the national water supply. In the same way, our 4 Taps strategy is designed to create well-diversified financial portfolios to avoid over-reliance on a single source of retirement income.

The first two ‘taps’ provide guaranteed retirement income for life. This is an important hedge against life’s uncertainties as it ensures that unforeseen circumstances like medical emergencies and economic volatilities do not derail your retirement plans. The next two ‘taps’ are poised for growth to ensure that the assets you’ve accumulated during your lifetime continue to grow and fund your ideal retirement lifestyle.

Where are you at now?

At Soul Wealthy, we strongly believe that a good retirement plan should be robust, comfortable, and well structured. We can help you redefine your investment journey and your retirement planning in Singapore with our proven 4 Tap Strategy.

TAP 1: Government

Whether you are just starting your professional career or already enjoying mid-career success,  speak to one of our financial advisor representatives so they can help you reap the maximum benefits from your savings. CPF LIFE payouts will be your main source of income when you retire. The bigger the amount you have in your retirement account, the greater your monthly CPF LIFE payouts will be.

TAP 2: Annuity

Can your CPF payout support your ideal retirement lifestyle in Singapore? This is one of the most crucial questions you must ask yourself. While the CPF certainly serves as a security threshold, it may not be enough to support your individual retirement plans. Therefore, depending on your disposable income and current age, we could advise you of the best annuity plan to fit your needs.

TAP 3: Investment

Proper investment channels can help your money grow. When your CPF payout is supplemented by other retirement income, you are ready to embark on the retirement plan of your dreams.

TAP 4: Real Estate

Real estate is one of the best and safest ways to achieve financial freedom. But unfortunately, not everyone understands how to leverage the real estate market as we do. Whether you are looking to invest in your first property or upgrade to a private property, our financial advisor representatives can guide you carefully. 

We know that your age, income, and investment options all play a big part in deciding how much money you should put into each asset class.

Our qualified financial advisor representatives at Soul Wealthy adopt an independent, honest, unbiased, and competent approach to each client and each investment opportunity. They will help you articulate your goals and help you work towards them.