Read about our client testimonials and the true stories behind the work that we do as trusted independent financial advisor representatives in Singapore.

We all lead busy lives but it’s important to make time for the future through financial planning.

The Jet-Setting Couple

Client: Alex Tay & Delia Seow
Goal: Retirement planning

“Living in the moment is great but you can only truly enjoy today when you know that tomorrow’s taken care of. Once you have a picture of the future that you want, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t start planning for it right away.”

Alex Tay and Delia Seow are finance professionals in their 40s. After being in a long-term relationship for many years, they settled down in 2019. Before this, they never seriously thought about their retirement and were living a very comfortable, jet-setting lifestyle.

“We work in finance, so we’re quite savvy about money but because of time and occupational restrictions, we are passive investors. The other challenge we faced is that as much as we can save and invest, we needed help to plan for contingencies—to prepare for the ‘what ifs’ in life.”

Their Wealth Journey with Soul Wealthy and Kok Chin
When Alex and Delia first spoke to their Soul Wealthy advisor Ang Kok Chin, they were clear about their motivation for retirement planning. They wanted to ensure that they would have the freedom to continue living the lifestyle they want in their golden years, even when they no longer have their current earning power.

During the financial review, Kok Chin assessed the couple’s cash flow and total expenses to identify their financial needs. He also took the couples’ preference for wanting to have a variety of wealth accumulation instruments into consideration. The couple was initially apprehensive about sharing their personal finances, but Kok Chin pointed out the importance and benefits of being transparent during the planning, and they eventually opened up.

“During the planning, we realised that we were spending more than we thought we were and this gave us an opportunity to reassess our expenses.”

Once Kok Chin had clarity of their needs, he proceeded to recommend cost-effective and suitable insurance solutions to address to their medical, long-term care, and critical illness needs.

“Kok Chin is very attentive to our needs and preferences. We both like the idea of having rental income from property holdings. The retirement plan he customised for us has a focus on real estate investment, like we wanted, but is also sufficiently diversified, which is great.”

When Alex and Delia first found and fell in love with their current home, they also turned to Kok Chin for help with financial modeling to understand how it would impact their finances.

“It is quite reassuring to have Soul Wealthy on our side. Kok Chin ran through several scenario analyses with us, highlighting potential issues and pitfalls that may arise from contingencies and ‘what-if’ events. For example, we did a cash flow simulation of how our investment portfolio could be impacted if there were a change in our employment status. These exercises enabled us to work and plan towards our goal with much more consistency and certainty.”

Before engaging Soul Wealthy, Alex and Delia only had traditional investments and saving plans. They were looking for ways to hedge against contingencies that could not be achieved only with traditional investments and are pleased that Kok Chin was able to offer them a professional, unbiased and effective solution.

If you would like Kok Chin to assist you with your retirement planning needs, contact us now.

It’s Never Too Late to Start

Client: Janet Eng
Goal: Retirement planning

“With the retirement plan that Kok Chin designed for me, I no longer have to worry about economic fluctuations impacting my portfolio. I can focus on enjoying my life with peace of mind. While it’s true that the earlier you start, the better, I’m living proof that it’s never too late.”

Janet Eng was in her late 50s when she turned to Soul Wealthy for financial planning and retirement planning advice. She was a respected senior executive in a global Fortune 500 company who lived a hectic lifestyle.

“I never had enough time, whether to spend on myself, with my friends and family, or even to manage my own finances. When I met Kok Chin, he pointed out that I was overly focused on earning. If there’s one thing I wish I could’ve done better, it was to look at my finances.”

Even though she was well-served by bankers and had a number of insurance policies and retirement products to her name, a part of her still felt unsure about her retirement.

While Kok Chin went through the Wealth Journey with her and did a comprehensive financial checklist, he discovered that none of her existing policies was helping her to retire without major changes to her current lifestyle. During this process, Janet was also shocked to discover that she would be paying six figures in annual premiums once she reached her early 60s.

“After my discussion with Kok Chin, he was able to provide an analysis of my portfolio and based on his advice and recommendations, I made decisions on my investments comfortably and confidently.”

With the objective of lowering her expenses and helping her retire comfortably, Kok Chin reviewed Janet’s existing portfolio and managed to restructure or cancel unnecessary policies. She was no longer paying for coverage that she did not need.

“As independent financial advisor representatives, Soul Wealthy has access to a wider range of financial tools and offered a neutral point of view. I was surprised when Kok Chin recommended products such as Singapore Bonds, which was beneficial to me but of no financial gain to him.”

Today, Janet is happily retired. She does not have to worry about her retirement because she knows that the portfolio Kok Chin created for her is designed to withstand economic fluctuations. Soul Wealthy is still actively assisting her with her finances, ensuring that her cash and investments continue to be generating good returns for her.

Having benefited from Soul Wealthy’s proven retirement strategies and careful planning, Janet is now a proponent for early retirement planning.

“We all lead busy lives but it’s important to make time for the future through financial planning.”

If you would like Kok Chin to assist you with your retirement planning needs, contact us now.

Chasing Dreams

Client: Olivia Sy Ou Li
Goal: Financial freedom

“I can already see myself 20 years later being financially free to live my dreams. I love baking, cooking, and interacting with people, so my dream is to set up my own café.”

Olivia is only in her 20s but she has big dreams for the future. The young HR executive dreams of setting up her own café in the future. She knows that her dream is capital intensive and comes with a significant amount of risks, so she is laying the foundation with financial stability.

Before meeting Soul Wealthy and Kelvin, Olivia had already bought many policies from a reputable global insurance firm in Singapore. A substantial part of her salary goes towards servicing these policies.

“I took up a number of insurance and investment-linked policies after I started working but I realised they were not suitable for me.”

During their first meet-up, Kelvin took the time to understand her financial goals. He then used Soul Wealthy’s Wealth Journey to assess her current status and what it would take to reach her goal. In the process, Kelvin became impressed with Olivia’s plans for the future, admitting that she changed his perspective of Millennials being more short-term focused. It made him even more committed to helping her reach her dreams faster.

Understanding that the right policies can fast-track her dream while the wrong ones can slow down progress, he proposed restructuring her portfolio to increase returns while keeping the premiums, protection and benefits the same.

“With Kelvin’s help, my policies are earning me four times more returns for the same annual premiums. Now, I feel like I am reaching my goals four times faster. The journey to financial freedom is long but if you don’t stop dreaming, you will get there in time.”

If you would like Kelvin to assist you to achieve financial freedom, contact us now.


A Moderated Risk Approach

Client: Chin Kin Yong
Goal: Retirement planning

“Kok Chin provided excellent guidance for my wife and I to retire with confidence by ensuring well-structured passive income through our active and passive retirement periods.”

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From Cautious to Confident

Client: Goh Kuang Chang
Goal: Retirement planning

“My short-term goal is to generate enough emergency funds to sustain 12 months without salary and to build up education funds for my three children. My long-term goal is to grow my retirement nest egg before I reach 55 years old.”

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Regaining the Confidence to Invest

Client: Azman Bin Talib
Goal: Retirement planning

“Kum Soon has a pleasant personality and he was very receptive to my fears and hopes. He did not try to hard sell the policies but provided insights on what to focus on for financial and retirement planning instead. I have confidence in Kum Soon’s ability to provide the most feasible solutions for his clients while taking into consideration their limitations and constraints.”

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Too Many Policies, Too Few Updates

Client: Jessica Lim Mei Mei
Goal: Retirement planning

“While I was saving with fixed deposits, the bankers who served me recommended investing in unit trusts for a higher interest rate. After I said yes, there were no updates. I later found out some of my investments were not producing results even after more than 12 months.”

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Putting Family First

Client: Sridharan Sirnath
Goal: Retirement planning

“Before I met Alvin, I only had endowment plans for my kids’ future education. I didn’t know what else I needed and what I was lacking. I knew I needed retirement planning as well but never knew where to start.”

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A Big Family to Care For

Client: Khoo Kay-Tek
Goal: Retirement planning, estate planning

“As a business owner, I understand the importance of proper financial planning as having the appropriate insurance can help provide my family with financial security if anything happens to me. But I never had the time to figure out the right coverage for my family.”

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Getting a Headstart

Client: Eugene Chua Yujun
Goal: Financial planning, Retirement planning

“I believe that financial planning is important. In the short run, it was to ensure that I would have sufficient funds for marriage, housing needs, and holidays. In the long run, I also wanted to make sure I have a comfortable retirement.”

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In Search of Alternatives

Client: Tang Bi Wen
Goal: Retirement palanning

“Kum Soon’s advice has changed my thinking towards financial planning. Speaking to him has given me more knowledge and insights into effective retirement planning and wealth generation and has helped me better understand what I read online.”

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Rediscovering the Starting Point

Client: Ashley Teo Yi Lin
Goal: Retirement planning

“I have always wanted to start planning for my retirement so I’ve been researching online, mostly on social media and financial websites. I never knew what to do and how to start. There were so many investments and saving plans out there. Unclear about which to pick, I just stuck with the regular savings plan I had with the bank.”

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Saving for a Home

Client: Shirley Lo Shean Wei
Goal: Financial planning, Retirement planning

“It is never too early to start saving and planning for your future. Mine is to buy a home and plan for retirement. My first session with Alvin changed my perspective and mindset on the way I invest. My investments have been profiting ever since.”

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Thinking Beyond Today

Client: Zheng Junfang
Goal: Retirement planning

“We want the reassurance that we would not burden our children and be financially dependent on them when we retire in the future. We were particularly interested in retirement planning strategies and how we can accumulate our wealth to retire comfortably.”

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Getting a Second Opinion

Client: Yong Chunk Cheun
Goal: Financial planning, Retirement planning

“My friends asked why I would pay for a portfolio review as most agents would do it for free. I was willing to pay for a professional review as I wanted someone who could provide an all-in-one solution for my financial needs from an unbiased point of view. I respect the hidden hours a good independent financial advisor representative puts into analysing and planning for my needs.”

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