
Saving for a Home
Client: Shirley Lo Shean Wei
Goal: Financial planning, Retirement planning
“It is never too early to start saving and planning for your future. Mine is to buy a home and plan for retirement. My first session with Alvin changed my perspective and mindset on the way I invest. My investments have been profiting ever since.”
Shirley started looking for a financial advisor shortly after losing money in her investments. This was a major setback as she wanted to grow her finances to afford the down payment for a home. She also has a short investment time horizon because of her current goals makes it difficult to commit to long-term investments.
When she met Alvin, he gave her advice and guided her on how she should structure her investments into less risky funds to be able to achieve her goals. He did a comprehensive review of her existing investment portfolio and assessed her current risk profile with her financial goals in mind.
Shirley diversified her investments and had a balanced investment portfolio under Alvin’s guidance. Well-balanced portfolios do not prevent loss but can minimise the risks by allocating her investments across various industries and categories. Having unpleasant movements in one offsets positive results in another.
“During the Covid-19 pandemic, I was quite worried about my hard-earned savings depleting in the investment portfolio. With the increasing uncertainty in the economy and lockdowns happening in many countries, the stock market is bound to crash.”
However, Alvin assured her, saying, “Our advice has always been to stay focus on your financial goals despite market fluctuations as we already prepared and planned for it.”
In fact, the necessary adjustments he made shifted most of her current investments into safer fixed income instruments which allowed the portfolio to withstand any decline happening in the market. When the market started to recover, Shirley heeded Alvin’s advice and continued to stay invested and while slowly adjusting her conservative portfolio back to being a balanced portfolio to regain advantage during the market recovery.
Shirley admits it was hard to stay invested while markets dipped but with Alvin’s assurance and constant updates, she realised that she did not have to worry as she had someone monitoring her portfolio and strategising accordingly.
Shirley believes that it is important to have someone who is experienced and knowledgeable. She trusted Alvin and followed his advice which allowed her to tide through the COVID-19 pandemic. By educating herself with Alvin’s help, she was able to stay committed to her financial goals.
Now, when her friends ask her for financial planning advice, Shirley directs them to Alvin.
If you would like Alvin to assist you with your retirement planning needs, contact us now.